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The Benefits of Keeping Good Records in Nurseries

Exceptional record keeping is one of the most essential tasks to managing a top-notch nursery or child care facility. Some information is crucial to document from a legal standpoint, while other information is needed to not only run your business, but run it smoothly and in an organised manner. Some data might be related to the education of your staff. Obviously, it is of utmost importance that all of this information be kept confidential, meaning everyone on your staff should be on the same page when it comes to confidentiality. On that same note, you need to have a secure place to store and organise this information.

The Benefits of Keeping Good Records in Nurseries

When you have a sufficient amount of information organised efficiently, you are prepared to answer any question from any area, may it be welfare or legally based. Not only will you have information to review on the children you care for, but you’ll have valuable information on your business as well. With a wealth of information regarding your business-related habits, you can begin to discover trends, may they be good or bad, and you can begin to take steps towards improving your strategies and business success overall. Should any questions arise regarding how you run your establishment, knowing your data is relevant and reliable will fuel your answer with confidence, especially when it is easy for any files to be on hand.

For taxes and other legal reasons, you should be prepared to keep data stored for several years. This also gives you a long time range to continually compare to when examining the effectiveness of your business strategies, particularly if they take several years to fully implement. When it comes to information on the children you care for, basic data directly relates to the day-to-day functions of your nursery, so the fundamental information should be kept in a simple, standard format and given special attention. There is a good chance the area you live in demands certain registration requirements, so you’ll need to make sure they are being followed. It is always helpful to have information concerning dietary habits and restrictions, immunisation records, and emergency contacts.

Some information like home country and religion can be easily overlooked, but knowing these proves useful more often than not, especially if it means you avoid an embarrassing blunder. For example, attempting to feed a child a food item that is restricted by his/her religion could be considered disastrous to the parents or guardians. You do so much to care for these children, you don’t want to make an error because of a simple miscommunication. You could begin giving parents questionnaires asking for information that is not legally required but will prove useful to you throughout the day.

Things like fears, normal eating times, and food preferences are all beneficial to know. Other forms you may need include medicine distribution, accident reports, permissions, suspected child abuse, and general records for daily use, including menus, learning programs, and business. You’ll also want to keep track of staff rotations and schedules as well as daily routines for children according to their age. Having all of your records well kept not only makes life easier for you, but it keeps your business healthy and running as well.

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